
針對 訊息收集 及網路分析
設定UDP網路掃描,  IP:
unicornscan -m U  -Iv :1-65535

首先要先安裝:  apt-get install unicornscan
看一下help :   unicornscan -h
unicornscan (version 0.4.7)
usage: unicornscan [options `b:B:cd:De:EFG:hHi:Ij:l:L:m:M:o:p:P:q:Qr:R:s:St:T:u:Uw:W:vVzZ:' ] X.X.X.X/YY:S-E
 -b, --broken-crc     *set broken crc sums on [T]ransport layer, [N]etwork layer, or both[TN]
 -B, --source-port    *set source port? or whatever the scan module expects as a number
 -c, --proc-duplicates process duplicate replies
 -d, --delay-type     *set delay type (numeric value, valid options are `1:tsc 2:gtod 3:sleep')
 -D, --no-defpayload   no default Payload, only probe known protocols
 -e, --enable-module  *enable modules listed as arguments (output and report currently)
 -E, --proc-errors     for processing `non-open' responses (icmp errors, tcp rsts...)
 -F, --try-frags       
 -G, --payload-group *payload group (numeric) for tcp/udp type payload selection (default all)
 -h, --help            help
 -H, --do-dns          resolve hostnames during the reporting phase
 -i, --interface      *interface name, like eth0 or fxp1, not normally required
 -I, --immediate       immediate mode, display things as we find them
 -j, --ignore-seq     *ignore `A'll, 'R'eset sequence numbers for tcp header validation
 -l, --logfile        *write to this file not my terminal
 -L, --packet-timeout *wait this long for packets to come back (default 7 secs)
 -m, --mode           *scan mode, tcp (syn) scan is default, U for udp T for tcp `sf' for tcp connect scan and A for arp
                        for -mT you can also specify tcp flags following the T like -mTsFpU for example
                        that would send tcp syn packets with (NO Syn|FIN|NO Push|URG)
 -M, --module-dir     *directory modules are found at (defaults to /usr/lib/unicornscan/modules)
 -o, --format         *format of what to display for replies, see man page for format specification
 -p, --ports           global ports to scan, if not specified in target options
 -P, --pcap-filter    *extra pcap filter string for reciever
 -q, --covertness     *covertness value from 0 to 255
 -Q, --quiet           dont use output to screen, its going somewhere else (a database say...)
 -r, --pps            *packets per second (total, not per host, and as you go higher it gets less accurate)
 -R, --repeats        *repeat packet scan N times
 -s, --source-addr    *source address for packets `r' for random
 -S, --no-shuffle      do not shuffle ports
 -t, --ip-ttl         *set TTL on sent packets as in 62 or 6-16 or r64-128
 -T, --ip-tos         *set TOS on sent packets
 -u, --debug  *debug mask
 -U, --no-openclosed  dont say open or closed
 -w, --safefile       *write pcap file of recieved packets
 -W, --fingerprint    *OS fingerprint 0=cisco(def) 1=openbsd 2=WindowsXP 3=p0fsendsyn 4=FreeBSD 5=nmap
                       6=linux 7:strangetcp
 -v, --verbose         verbose (each time more verbose so -vvvvv is really verbose)
 -V, --version         display version
 -z, --sniff           sniff alike
 -Z, --drone-str      *drone String
*: options with `*' require an argument following them

  address ranges are cidr like for all of 1.?.?.?
  if you omit the cidr mask then /32 is implied
  port ranges are like 1-4096 with 53 only scanning one port, a for all 65k and p for 1-1024
example: unicornscan -i eth1 -Ir 160 -E gateway:a




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